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ACL Reconstruction In Bangalore

Crumbling and tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most common sports injuries. The injury is especially common in sports such as running and soccer. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is a widely performed procedure. This surgery is mostly performed on adults and children with anterior cruciate ligament injuries. During ACL reconstruction, the damaged ACL is replaced with an autologous graft, which is taken from the patient's own tissue. The patient may experience pain after the surgery but will have a better range of motion and increased stability afterwards.

Patients undergo an ACL reconstruction as an alternative to a PCL reconstruction. The primary purpose of this surgery is to restore normal joint motion and stability in the knee joint. After evaluating the patient's condition, doctors decide on the appropriate course of treatment based on the patient's medical history and diagnosis. After consulting their medical journal, doctors at Vasavi Hospital find that a PCL reconstruction sometimes causes complications such as capsular tears or nerve impingement. In addition, this procedure does not fully correct cartilage damage in the knee joint. As a result, it does not address osteoarthritis or cartilage damage in addition to the meniscus tears. Therefore, patients who have failed a PCL reconstruction often do well with an ACL one.

The surgery at Vasavi Hospital takes between three and five hours and requires a general anaesthetic. The procedure is complex as multiple parts are involved in ACL reconstruction: incisions are made in different parts of the knee joint, tendons are cut, muscles are detached, and bones are realigned during the surgery. Patients remain in the hospital for two to three days after the surgery for recovery. They are able to walk with crutches in about three weeks from surgery. According to research reports, around 87% of patients report excellent or good results after undergoing an ACL reconstruction at Vasavi Hospital for their anterior cruciate ligament tear.

Potential Candidates for ACL Reconstructive Surgery

Adults of all ages who engage in sports, conduct strenuous manual work or engage in other activities requiring pivoting, twisting or hard cutting are often good candidates for reconstruction surgery. This is also the most effective technique to avoid further damage to the knee and is thus suggested for people of either sex who have had an ACL injury and are experiencing considerable functional instability.

If other parts of your knee, such as your menisci, articular cartilage, collateral ligaments, joint capsule or any combination of these, were also damaged, reconstruction surgery may still be the best choice even if you don't consider yourself to be a very active person. Surgical intervention often provides better results in such circumstances.

The Advantages of ACL Reconstruction in Bangalore

Most importantly, reconstructive surgery is the only option to fully restore stability and function to a knee joint that has been damaged by a ruptured or torn ACL. By itself, this makes a choice to have surgery for most athletes and active individuals who don't want a chronic knee ailment to hinder their performance.

ACL reconstruction's long-term success rate is between 82% and 95%, which means that for every 100 patients who get the procedure, only 5-18 will develop issues severe enough to need a second reconstruction procedure.

Contact Vasavi Hospital for the Best ACL Reconstruction in Bangalore

Vasavi Hospital is known for best ACL reconstruction in Bangalore. Patients who underwent an ACL reconstruction were satisfied with their doctor's workmanship and treatment results. Afterwards, they were able to walk without pain and were able to resume their normal daily activities without any restrictions. In addition, doctors found that approximately 87% of their patients had excellent or good results following their anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery.